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Our place in the midst of earth’s “short time,” whether affluent and peaceful, troubled and at war among ourselves – healthy, wealthy, or poor – can be, and must be if we are to abide faithful, to never accept futility, but to rejoice in the LORD.

Those of us who see the demise of our united -ness in the United States, and those who further see and understand the demise of civil life throughout the Western world must remember that government – all of it on earth and beyond – is upon His shoulders; not ours. (Isaiah 9:6).

Israel’s history is a microcosm of world history: as with the rise and fall of Israel’s greatness will be the rise and fall of Christianized Western Civilization.

Individuals will have risen to God’s heart call to all of us, “Adam, where are you?” (Genesis 3:9) Some will have responded, “Father, I have strayed from Thee.” Many will have failed to be so honest.

God’s salvation offer will necessarily come to an end for all humanity. It will come to an end individually for “It is appointed” that all shall die and after that, the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27)

We have heard: “What goes around must also come around:” We all know this is true. As the Old Testament shows, this is more than a religious theme, but it is the fundamental fact of human existence, of Israel’s existence, of human existence.

God is love. He wills that none should perish. He is looking for you. (2 Peter 3:9)


One Comment

    • Laurie
    • Posted September 10, 2013 at 10:20 pm
    • Permalink

    I love these – I read them and refer to them. Thank you for taking time to share.

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