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Category Archives: Recent Writings

I am promised that I may companion with the Lord all the days of my life. My part is to trust and obey: to think right and do right. Trusting is thinking right. Fear and doubt cannot be co-embraced to faith if God out-comes are to be the testimony of my life.

To become a Christian requires a miracle. Actually, all that exists required the miraculous. “By faith we understand” that the real world “was made by that which does not appear.”

The opposite views are that all is illusion: (Hinduism); that life is meaningless (Buddhism); or that pleasure – regardless of the ways it is achieved, deserves our full focus (Hedonism).

These concepts have been lived out, tested, found to end in the path of despair.

The Christian view can be learned from the Bible, miracle is the normal within all Biblical thought. That God is Love is also a normal Christian thought. That He seeks us individually too – “He leaves the ninety and nine to seek one who is strayed” – is bed-rock Christian thought.

That seeking Him, He will be found by us is everywhere Bible talk and that by amazing grace many have found Him, we sing in unison.

That I cannot “before” know the exact path He leads; but that He leads me such that I can know the way – the steps as they come – He assures me. “LO, I am with you always even to the end of the earth.” “I will never leave thee or forsake thee.” “I am a present help in time of trouble.” “I will come (to you) right early.”

Peter was my old fisher-friend when I lived on Lake Delevan. He would tell me “Go fish over there,” and I would take us elsewhere: “You’re the captain, “I would hear him mutter. But when the fish began filling our live-well, He would exclaim, “You’re the Captain!!!”

Jesus is the Captain of the little ship Blanford. “He leads us beside still waters.” He restores our souls.” “Our cup overflows.” “Surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives.”

The miracle hand of Jesus is upon us, Soon we will view those hands, His eyes – Him! What might have seemed would be a tour of duty has been a tour of devotion which grows greater and greater as fulfillment approaches. If our burdens have grown greater, it is only a burden that others can come to know Him too.


In the 1950s, 70s, or 90s any emerging investor in real estate should have experienced a good measure of success.
But, had those investors leveraged themselves too much, they most likely lost their gains in the 60s, 80s and the mid 2000 years. Investors must be prepared to handle the low market cash flows which inevitability comes as well.

Most of us realize that though we live, we really don’t live that long, and then – we of ourselves can not reason why – we will live again: this time forever.

In the book of Job the question is posed, “If a man die, shall he live again?” Before the story of Job was written, Plato wrote that death is when the soul leaves the body. Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life. . .” Any so-called Christian thought which does not center around the life after death subject can hardly qualify as Christian thought.
Jesus also said in the above quote, “No man comes to the Father but by me.”

We also hear the atheist; the few, those without answers to the meaning of life, those who build their argument on doubts rather than facts and accuse “believers” of the same-in-kind but call theirs “superstitious beliefs,” those who want to silence others but speak freely themselves.

Arguing from ignorance, denying vehemently the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth, not thinking like most that the earth and solar system declare the existence of that which is Greater than the sum of the known, usually arrogant, and without any explanation for human existence: atheism is a non-answer proposal which offers no hope for beyond the grave and no thesis for the meaning of life. The most famous Greek and Roman minds assumed that believing in Spiritual Reality is reasonable. Spirituality is real life experience. How can we know the truth about it?

We come into being not as a biological accident; there is more to a person’s being than their chemistry. We live for awhile. We leave behind us even our bodies and all that we had accumulated. But we live beyond, and forever. The Bible is not alone in teaching this; but is most explicit about the reason for a first-life, death, and the after-life.

In the Bible we find how to have a happy landing as we enter eternity and leave the temporary. From the Bible we learn that the human being is body, soul, and spirit. We sense this spirit within us and about us; the Bible explains it.

Were we to be asked, ‘Did Jesus live the life that wins,’ from the Bible what answers could we give? The cross upon which He died was then an emblem of suffering and shame: it became common with the landscape of the Western world – as icon of liberty and joy. In the garden Jesus had asked His Father, “Take this cup from me;” yet, satisfied that He must drink His cup, none has died more victoriously: He did win.

History tells us, as did those who witnessed the resurrection, He rose from the grave. He has been the most loved person in world history. He is known today by millions – this is a never-changing claim gone on through the centuries since He died on the cross. This claim separates believers from those who cling to religious beliefs because it is rooted in history and is not theological imagination or based on mythical, allegorical religion. The Christian’s Gospel is truth.

The life that wins faces the same struggles as others; but knows it wins before it shows to have won. Thus was the life of Jesus on earth. Thus is the life of Jesus followers. To win does not at all indicate that no struggles were encountered; the opposite is so.

The wins shine forth hope while in struggles and brings to others hope in their struggles, comfort in their sorrows, surety in the face of that death which is common to us all. The life that wins speak victory into experience, forgiveness into guiltiness, hope against shame; and a new beginning if needed.

No intelligent person can deny the historic fact that Jesus is the reason millions have declared that saved their lives from ruin and crowned their lives with loving-kindness.

Mercy is better than sacrifice. Christianity is better than religion because it offers heart-felt mercy, and abundance of joy, and hope that cannot be smothered by sorrows.

The atheist can prove that we can not scientifically observe God but they cannot erase the good side of Christian history, that which makes singing “Amazing Grace” such a joy to so many. That song has been a popular favorite since its first appearance and is an overwhelming historic fact that can not be discounted – not even by slinging mud at the whole of Christianity.

Jesus said there would be phonies in the midst of the real. That is a part of why there will be a final judgment and a separation of the arrogant from the sincere.

Is there a real final judgment? We do it every day in every land. The supposed purpose is to protect the innocent from the bullies. Common sense has it that those who argued against Holy Spirit persuasion which is meant to save them from even themselves, will get finally the destiny they chose. They will be without the Savior who publicly gave His life for all.

“For God so loved the world,” He said, “I did not come to condemn the world” He taught, “But that the world through me might saved.” The Savior in the business of saving-He will soon return to mop things up: to gather together those who would and separate them from those who would not. It is not so much a matter of believing or not believing as it is a matter of being willing or unwilling.

The author to the letters to the Corinthians said of His own life that which well represents true Christianity:

“We put no obstacle in anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: through great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, tumults, labors, watching, hunger; by purity, knowledge, forbearance, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left; in honor and dishonor, in ill repute and good repute. We are treated as imposters, and yet as true, as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything.” (2 Cor. 6)

Is this the life that wins? “
In the world,” Jesus taught, “Ye shall have tribulation.”
Why? Why is the first life, the short one, so fraught with difficulty? Why does disease continuously threaten our lives? Why is inequality the norm of world history? Why has every effort by humans to form government for their protection turned against them? Why is the environment and nature itself so indifferent to our safety? Why did God have it that we without fail would find in this life challenges bigger than our own resources?

Has He given us sure answers and not left us to imagination, to superstitions of others, to mismanagement by rulers, to foolish ideological dreams that cannot even bring agreement concerning that which is right or wrong? Is there a sufficient guide-book – and I submit to you that there is. Even then our own limited and often incorrect reasoning may misread God’s book to us. We’ve made the messes of things over and over on earth; why then would we not cry out to God to save us from even our own selves?

Why did God have it that we would age and become physically – at least – as vulnerable as when children? Does our aging and dying have purpose? Do apparently unstoppable inequalities? Where is justice? Moreover, where is mercy because we ought to realize that our personal appeal for justice is over-ridden by our personal need for mercy?

We all have sinned such that justice will not set us free but rather condemn us. Is God the “Friend of Sinners?”

We need to receive the Holy Spirit. We need to own our own guilt and to be merciful to others whose guilt we laud. We need to submit ourselves to the Maker for re-making. The Christian’s message – to every person; is an over-comer’s message, a Gospel which says “If God is for us, no one can be against us.”

The life that wins is the Gospel of God lived through faith in those promises in scripture that entice courageous and self sacrificing action. “His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” Psalm 91:4.

Jesus won. The Apostle Paul won. We all face difficulties bigger than we would like. God is bigger than them, and He will become our Savior if we open our hearts to Him.


To feel and know that we are winning in life, to not be merely in the repetition of new resolutions like our old ones that keep us in struggle or end with us dismayed, we need the Breaker to go before us.

“Behold, the Lord cometh forth out of His place” wrote the prophet Micah.

And so it was. Jesus trod that lonely valley. What? Is this, the “Mighty God?” Is this Emmanuel, meaning God with us? Is this the people’s King?
How shall He deliver us so that we are delivered indeed?

“The Breaker (the Messiah) will go up before them. They will break through, pass in through the gate and go out through it. And their King will pass on before them, the Lord at their head” (Micah 2).

We are mortal. He Is Immortal. The “Breaker” broke through. This was the floodgate opened; the window of heaven opened for all to see.

Jesus showed Himself as the “Breaker” with the resurrection. He came into the world, “overcame” it – every obstacle for us, so that we would live the lives of look-alike overcoming. We are left for a while in this body and this life – to be like exactly like – in the same power and with the same faith.

“I am crucified with Christ – nevertheless I live – yet not I but Christ in me – and the life I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” We’re the today’s breakers.
(Galatians 2)

But we have sinned and He did not. Satan – and the Lord – are well aware of our sin; in fact, Satan prowls the earth looking for what he might use (of our sin) to accuse us before the Lord. Jesus is our Defender our “Advocate.” Who then can accuse us?

The Breaker really does set me free, really does break the bonds and fetters, really does “Wash me and make me white as snow.” And when “I put the past behind me,” I must determine it remain in the past. He, seals me with the power of the Holy Spirit such that only rebellion within can drag me again to where captivity was once made captive.

He is Savior. He saves me from the paths of destruction. He leads me into collision with His paths of blessing.

Paul said it: “We are more than conquerors through Him . . .” (Romans 8:37). Breaking through all sin, doubt, and dismay involves spiritual battle in the mind, in the will; but the Breaker said, “It is finished.” Faith says, “It is finished indeed.”

Who will we believe?

As for me and my house, we will have the Breaker to be our King and our boast. Leaning on Him, we are in this world as ice-breakers forging through to the end.

“Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing,
Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God’s own choosing”
A Mighty Fortress is Our God / Martin Luther
