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Category Archives: Recent Writings

A born again Christian, is no ordinary person. We have become the children of God. We have his audience; HE has opened to us the very holiest of holy places. We have his seal; the witness of the Spirit. This is why we sing and rejoice.

The life we are called to live is impossible for a mere human to accomplish.

Have we not read, “Behold, you are a new person, old things have passed away, all things have become new.” All of our sin was washed away. The power of sin was broken: we can walk away from that past.

The Holy Spirit became resident within us: to abide in Christ is to make acquaintances with the Comforter within. God is much nearer than the old, mere person had been accustomed.
Where we go, He goes with us.

“It is God that works in you to accomplish his will?” (Philippians 2:13).

Faith is a mental step; all faith is a step upwards from what we were to who we are in Christ.

Faith’s focus is the Lord and faith’s information is His word: we stand on the promises of God all of which lift us above being mere people.

The first order of every new Christian is to learn to abide in Christ.
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will [ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. (John 15:7)

We sing “Amazing Grace” – – – HOW CAN IT BE! We are “joint heirs” with His “Only begotten Son:” He is our Elder Brother – His Father, ours. We’re on the winning team.

This is an era of “Come as you are.” In the Billy Graham era we heard the song: “Just As I Am.” Yet, unless we form the habit of abiding in Christ; staying close to him, we may come as we are and leave unchanged. His offer to us is a new life in Christ Jesus.

Paul saw this and said, “I am crucified with Christ; never-the-less, I live.” (Galatians 2:20).

The new Christian or old, is invited into newness of life.

•As parents, we will become the best of parents. He will lead us and we must abide in Christ.

•The evil temper, if we will heed the voice of the Spirit, will be discharged from our way.

•Drunkenness can not be maintained except we refuse to abide in Christ.

•Sexual misconduct cannot continue if we will choose rather to abide in Christ.

The “Power that is in us,” (Ephesians 3) is more than enough power to overcome and for us “New Creatures,” to become over-comers.

Don H. Polston, my pastor, called this “The Life That Wins” and he did abide in Christ until The Christ took him home.

Stay close to Christ, run from sin into the Consuming Fire: the Holy Spirit will help you. You are not alone.


Should we be saying, and it is surely true, that sinning is shameful, and we should all be ashamed? I think not.

Upon His cross: “He despised the shame, my shame, not his. Why would I raise the issue of their shame when I am equally guilty? Can I really gain by doing so? Did Jesus do this? (Hebrews12:2)

Unless we are caught by the Holy Spirit,being exposed only leads to excuse. “Love suffers long and is kind,” and “Love covers a multitude of sins:” Love covered mine. (1 Corinthians 4) (1 Peter 4:8)

It was Love that I met the night Christ came into my heart. I have recognized the wince of the harshly criticized child; it is a pain I can never forget. It is this love that I also can never forget.

Oh, that the church at large were thus engaged. The team is broken; but it only takes a spark to once again see the fire going.

Revival, awakening, that is the great need in the world. You out there, God loves you and

He wants you to know it, REALLY know it.

And so He comes to us tonight, saying: “According to your faith, so be it unto you. Where is your faith?” He comes to us tonight saying: “If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Where is your faith?”

We are all along talking about “hard cases.” Now, how foolish and unwise and wrong is such talk, when we think of God. He asks us: “Is anything too hard for the Lord.”

A Quest for Souls, by George W. Truett, D.D. p 35