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Category Archives: Recent Writings

There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God.

God is in the midst of (that city) . . . God shall help her and that right early.
Psalm 46: v 4, 5

Before any were born; right early—the Father was planning Easter morning.

His predestination of us would require a cross. He took that upon Himself—before the worlds were created—right early.

Easter was a surprise to even His closest followers. “Eye could not have seen” (1 Corinthians 2:9). No one has or could have invented what God would reveal. His Gospel, only the Spirit alone can make understood.

Only partially will we comprehend that God is Love. Love desires to forgive, to restore, to fine tune us. What the Lord has prepared for those who love Him will astonish. Jesus is astonishing.

He who invites us to “Come unto Him,” does not measure us by what we’ve made of our lives. He measures us by what He has to freely give. We must receive.

His salvation more than fixes us: Right early, and every single time we turn back to Him. Unhappiness serves as a reminder.

Only in the Bible do we hear that God loves us. No religion or philosophy dares to promise with certainty that God wills to save us, and right early. God is the ever-ready Friend to sinners.

Only from the Bible and by the Spirit’s teaching do we hear about a gladness river already flowing. Will we plunge and be immersed by Love? That IS what happened when we first believed – that is what happens when we are anointed, baptized, and filled over and again with His Spirit.

We were meant to be immersed – baptized with the Holy Spirit – His workmanship our gain – His desire for us. “Would you be made whole?” He asks. “Yes, Lord,” we answer. “Receive ye the Holy Ghost – the cleansing blood of my Son; turn from your wicked way, enter my River so I can help you. I prepared this ‘right early’ for you.”

We need not be caught by surprise: God is near: we may turn immediately to Him: He will help us. He will cause us to be “New creatures” – again. Run quickly back to your “First Love.” God IS love.

We must be born again. And we may be restored again. We are privileged people. (John 3:7)

When we turn or return to Him we are turning to happiness; and what about our circumstances? We let God take our mess and make of it a Gospel message.

So, we abide faithful and full of hope. We eagerly “Look up.” Our redemption draws near!” Weary in our bodies, youthful in our spirits—the Lord’s workmanship.

Soon, His River will pour over us in the eternal city where tears will have no occasion and gladness will require no faith. “God is in that city.”

He was with me all the way.


The most significant failure within the organized church today, and the key to why revival has hidden itself from the church, has everything to do with the credibility gap.

The day of miracles did not end with the Apostles just as the days of miracles should not have ended for Israel.

Miracle and revival are one and the same.

Beware the scholar who does not preach that God is a present reality, and will do as the Word promises.

If we believed we’d expect miracles and proclaim the present reality of the Savior, Deliverer, Provider, and Friend: God has promised over and over that He will come into our arena – our every need – healing us, saving us, delivering us, and providing for us.

Look at Psalm 50

“The Mighty God, even the Lord, has spoken.” and called out to us from morning to night. (My paraphrase)

“Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God has shined.”

“Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence.”

“Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you will glorify me.” (v. 15)

Next to the book of Isaiah, the Psalms are the most quoted scripture by the New Testament writers.

The Psalms can instantly bring us close to God and have given believer’s faith and hope since their writing.

“Call upon Me . . . .” “I will. . . .” and “You will glorify me.”

In other words, a credible witness – a church person who knows the present reality of God—can sing: “I called; He answered.”
When this is broadcast, it glorifies the Lord.

The word “glorify” means “weight.” It ‘gives credence,’ that God is for real. The church whose people have miracles in abundance is in revival.

Does the preacher, as a witness of God, give us a testimony that has any weight?

Are we convinced by the preacher that God indeed will come to us in our need? Or does the preacher weigh more heavily on us that we must get off our duffs and minister?

The truth is that if God does not the ministering, we labor in vain for His word says, “Faithful is He that calls you; who will also do it.”(I Thess. 5:24). God must intervene miraculously.

Spiritual battle is poorly understood or at least not preached about very clearly. But, “Standing on the promises of Christ my King,” represents the only valid reason Christianity has stayed in existence.

Jesus was not overly focused on poverty, not even very focused on civil injustice. But, today those are the heart, and main-stream of Christian emphasis.

Before we plunge ourselves into either church or civic programs, if we want to see real sustained results with utterly transforming power, we must focus expectantly on God. God centeredness must precede and be predominant: we never go it alone. “Except the Lord build a house (and His church) he who labors does so in vain.” (Psalm 127:1)

Some believe that God must be reluctant to bring revival. Oh, no, God is not reluctant. Each of us is endued by God with enough faith and enough truth that when we encounter feelings of doubt or purported facts or memory of failures that we can cry out to God. Ongoing personal salvation is the heart of revival. And testimony about it glorifies God, gives credibility to His promises.

The person whose life is an ongoing miracle glorifies God. And, also produces a credible witness in the world. This is the church that Jesus builds and the gates of Hell cannot prevail against this Christian. (Matt. 16:18) It is, ‘The Life That Wins.’


Our emotions say: I am frustrated, depressed, and afraid that I might not be good enough. Fear or faith? Believing and trusting? Fearing, and clinging to fear? Voicing what? Sharing what?

Because my cross looms before me, do I wonder if God loves me?
Do I give doubt a place in me? Or do I instruct my feelings and my perception of things to see joy result from even a predicament for that I may have caused.

Satan uses this trick; He is the “accuser of the brethren” (1 Timothy 4:13).
He loves to highlight our failures. Jesus loved us and gave himself for this very cause, “to take away our sin: to ‘save’ us.

A good listener is better than a quick responder; but Godly counsel must always lead a person to faith in God.

All who lived have passed this same journey. The choice of all is either with or against God, and the avenues of faith or doubt.

God became provoked with Israel because with stiff necks they chose complaining over trusting. Some will have stood out for the cause of God.
Some believed their journey was too hard, harder than others, so they never rose above complaining.

What is the cause of God concerning me? Is not His passion to make of my life a life that wins? Can He do it? The Savior saves, the best thing we can do is to run to Him.

“I can do all things through Christ,” (Philippians 4:13). He will see to it, or I can live in the solitude; Satan will see to that. Solitude, when it is accepted, will drive a person to build a case of self-pity, to perfect it with repetition, and to select listeners who lack the courage to insist that faith in God is always the answer.

Faith in the midst of great threat and pending difficulty is a common requirement of those who are commissioned to be in the world and not of it. Jesus paved the way. Jesus is the way. The way, works.

Doubt, it has a place, and does not tell us the good news. The newspapers and televised news are to be observed. but not to be trusted in predicting an outcome. God is at the helm.

God is near. Seek Him and He will be found.
