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Category Archives: Recent Writings


Clark grew up Catholic, but never understood that Christ came to live with him and in him forever.

Just as I used to think that I had earn my way into heaven, so did Clark.

Well, a few years ago, I had the opportunity to share my story with my testimony with my mother in law.

Clark was sitting at the table with us and just listen to the story, and when I came to the part where Buddy asked me if I had ever asked Christ to come into my soul, well, Clark started to answer the question for himself. He said he hadn’t.

So, (no quite sure if I heard him right), I continued on with the story about how you asked me if I wanted to pray to invite Christ into my soul, and Clark answered the question again with a Yes!

I share this with you because it was your obedience to Holy Spirit that day in Menards that lead to the testimony that literally saved this man’s life!

He uses us without our planning it and many times without us knowing the extent of how far He is able reach someone else as we allow Him to reach through us!



“Peter, tough Peter, cried out, Lord, if it is you, bid me come to Thee ” (Matthew 14:28).

Wise Jesus says: Come.  How many of us have answered His call upon our lives, stretched as far as we could in our own might: many of us have given much to follow Him, to “Come.”

We might think He is discontented with us. He is not – unless we cut and run and we cannot do that either: we may be stuck in that “rock and a hard place.” He is the Rock; we are in a hard place. Good.

It won’t be long: some of us longer than others: all of us sooner or later; we cannot be content with fruitless lives. We cannot be content with “little faith.” We can’t muster bigger faith. We can’t – really – do anything until we begin to fathom the meaning of His words, “Without me, ye can do nothing ” (John 15:5).

Every preacher who feels discouraged, every Christian parent, every person who is trying to pay the bills, every person who has been overtaken by temptation – e v e r y o n e – needs to realize that Jesus is a Friend like no other. He cannot, and does not desire to let us stumble.

“Now to Him who is able to keep us from stumbling. . .” (Jude 1: 24-25)

Past struggles make great stories the Bible is full of them for our encouragement. Past failures, sins we’ve committed, losses we’ve seen – God designed a cross for them. Forgiveness is more than an idea. Mercy is more than a storybook tale.

“Now unto Him that will do exceeding abundantly above what we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).

Do more, LORD, than I ask – I sell us short – I know I do; but I don’t want to ever again.

Buddy                                                            .          .          .

She was not unattractive, nor especially friendly. European women, we have found, have a way of holding back whereas American woman do not as often show such restraint. Besides, she was there to serve our meal, not there to become our friend.

All of the pain we’ve experienced in life may be even doubled in others’ lives. Hope and re-found courage can be given to others by mere words. If we care as He cares should we not also dare to interrupt the mundane life?

God is Love. We purpose to make known in the lives of even strangers – in their hearts – that His love can be experienced as a bubbling fountain within bringing hope and mercy, kindness and caring, courage to live and dream again.

Jesus said that we might find that fountain rise up within our being such that from within our bellies it would flow into this sad world. Such love can be often rejected.

“Where are you from?” I asked when she returned to our table.

“From Italy,” she answered with a sudden smile.

As she opened up she told us she had come with her husband, had a young boy, had been divorced, and had no family in America. She laughed when I asked her if she liked American men. “They are not romantic like in Italy.”

I interrupted with some hand and arm gestures as I’d seen in the movies and she seemed to feel much more comfortable. “We are sorry this has happened to you,” we told her as she hurried to next table.

After our meal was served she returned. I looked her in the eyes and said, “God loves you and He will never let you down.” That he has a tender plan for her life, that He would forgive her if she had sinned, and much more. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. She was continuously thanking me – which she did again as we left.

The day before we had visited with a Brazilian doctor, “I am divorced and the church has excommunicated me,” he told me in front of his wife and son and in a crowded food court in South Florida. I had shared Psalm 51 with him, telling Him – and his wife – that God loves them.

It dawned on me that the Brazilian doctor and the Italian lady that the church in Europe, wanting to preserve the sanctity of marriage, “excommunicates” so many from church. The church really is a hospital for the mending of souls. Linda told me afterward that He was intent on every word from my lips. He too thanked me, and he promised that He would read Psalm 51.

How do I know that God loves those we know nothing of? Will I look the fool saying this to people I’ve never met before? Will I offend those of another religious point of view? Sometimes I do – all the above. Linda and I have a special joke. From time-to-time I tell her, “Well, I cleared out the room again.” She knows what I mean.

Jesus said, “I am in you, and you are in me, and we are one in the Father.” “As He is” – therefore, “so are we in the world.” (1 John 4:17)

We ask, “What is God’s will for my life?” This is it.

Sometimes in a crowd or group I feel like an empty oddity, not wanting to be there at all, wishing I could be alone along a river bank or alone with Linda. Then a window opens, someone shows interest toward God, life flows from my heart – my mind fills with gospel thoughts – my words become scripture and expounding of scripture – people are helped. It is as though a torrent flows into the interested person and nothing else around exists. It is total absorption for a few moments. I believe that then, “He works and hitherto, I work.” Jesus is the head of the body, I am a body member; I water, the Holy Spirit brings the increase: the kingdom of God is among us.

What a simple message: God loves you and wants you to know it.

For this cause, Jesus came into the world seeking us. Soon this life will be over. Never will everlasting life end.
