“Many were called, few were chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)
We know by history and by present conditions, the factuality of this stated Gospel truth.
What is the calling?
- The calling is to volunteer to join the “Cloud of witnesses.” (Hebrews Chapter 11)
- To “receive” the Holy Spirit as Jesus told His disciples.
- To become witnesses as a result of this outpouring forever given the church since Pentecost.
- To “walk in the Spirit” and be led by the Spirit.
These are the “A,” “B,” “C’s” of the authentic Christian life.
Many will say in that day of reckoning, “Lord, Lord,” but He will say to them, “I never knew you; depart from me.” Few are chosen indeed. These are His words. (Matthew 7:23)
We know Packer fans, Viking fans, those who love the Bears; and we hear their fervor, the exclamations, their anger if their team is derided, their boasting when their team wins. None of these fans are even really part of the team. They’re hitch-hikers’, they’ve decided to attach themselves, though they can’t.
With Jesus the opposite is true. He sought, and, through the incessant work of the Holy Spirit still seeks the lonely soul.
We are not hitch-hikers’, we are His adopted children, because Jesus saw fit to share His inheritance – without preconditions – to us!
“Just as I am I come to Thee; Oh Lamb of God, without one plea”
We are called to holiness, “without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrew 12:14). This cannot be otherwise and this makes it clear that only His righteousness will suffice.
Can you take it in that He exchanged His holiness for our filth?
Please excuse me if I have difficulty being a Packer, Viking or Bears fan, but have no difficulty being a Jesus fan. I can’t help myself.
Please forgive me if I am as an offense. “The preaching of the cross is (always) an offense to those who will perish; but to we who are saved, it is (and it proves itself to those willing to follow their calling) it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18)
Repentance is natural in the wake of the cleansing flood; and being a witness as natural as well-formed bulb lighting when the power source is on. Something is very wrong when the lights go out given the fact that He is the Light of the world.
Think about it, is not the love of Jesus – to you – simply wonderful?
Don’t keep it a secret, whatever you do.